World Music Awards

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MTV Mexico
Bravo magazine 6
Télé Club Plus 2
Bravo magazine 5
Télé Club Plus
Turkish newspapers
Istanbul concert
Bravo magazine 4
Bravo magazine 3
Bravo magazine 2
Football game
Telephone call
Hit magazine
Paul de Leeuw
World Music Awards
Bravo magazine 1
German radio

Tarkan performed the song "Þýmarýk" and received a reward for the "Best selling Turkish recording artist" at the World Music Awards 1999 (april '99)

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Tarkan's speech
Thank you very much.  First of all I wanna say... I know you don't understand a word I'm singing... *laughs* But I realize it's still beautiful that I was able to reach peoples hearts through the Turkish language.  Languages aren't any obstacles to love and share.  I wanna thank everybody I'm working with... they're like my family, I love them.
And to my fans... I love you!
*sends a big "Þýmarýk" kiss*
Interview with VTM (Belgian Television) with Anne de Baetzelier

A: Here's a great kisser!
T: Oh yeah!... *laughs*
A: That's what everybody believes.  Are you?
T: It became a tic, I'm always like that *makes a kissing movement*, yeah I think so...
A: Tell me, how did you come up with a song like that?
T: I didn't write it, but a very good friend of mine, a singer in Turkey, she wrote it for me.  And when I first heard the kisses in the song I just said: "This is just for me, I have to sing this song", and it's so interesting yeah... the kissing in the song, no words... nothing... just... *kisses twice as in the song*
A: You've conquered the world with your kisses...
T: Not the world yet...
A: Well, VTM and the Belgian audience has appreciated very much this song
T: I think so...
A: What's going to follow?
T: The English album, I'm working on an English album, with Atlantic Records -Ahmet Ertegun- I think it's gonna be released in 2000, that's my aim, that's my dream - to sing in English and make everybody understand what I'm saying, it's difficult in Turkish.
A: Who is your example in music industry?  Or don't you have any examples, you just do your thing?
T: No, I have some examples, like Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Prince, Elvis...
A: OK, thanks very much...



© Marleen 1999-2004