MTV Mexico

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MTV Mexico
Bravo magazine 6
Télé Club Plus 2
Bravo magazine 5
Télé Club Plus
Turkish newspapers
Istanbul concert
Bravo magazine 4
Bravo magazine 3
Bravo magazine 2
Football game
Telephone call
Hit magazine
Paul de Leeuw
World Music Awards
Bravo magazine 1
German radio

This page contains an interview by Mexican MTV, which was taking during Tarkan's recent visit to Mexico, March 2000.
Click the word Tarkan at each answer to watch the RealVideo.

MTV: You are one of the most important figures of Pop in Turkey, and now you're taking the rest of the planet. Did you ever think you could make all Latin-American girls sing and dance your songs?

Tarkan: Never, I never really thought that one day a Turkish song would be kind of known, I mean successful in South American countries, Mexico specially. So I'm kind of surprised  but in a happy way and I'm trying to enjoy it.

MTV: Your music is the perfect balance between occidental Pop with oriental influences and sensual lyrics... those are elements that were already listened, but that weren't able to reach a universal status. Which has been your strategy?

Tarkan: I didn't really follow any strategy or anything to combine oriental elements with the western influences.  I guess the  fact that I was born in Europe, in a European country just made me aware of all these occidental sounds and western influences. And then I guess I combined them naturally 'cause I'm writing my own songs. So I realized that something really nice, a nice mixture came out in the "kiss" song and most of the other songs in my album.

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MTV: How do you differentiate your two previous albums Yine Sensiz and Aacaypsin from Ölürüm Sana? Do you feel that you have changed artistically or personally?

Tarkan: Obviously my first album was an attempt to prove and find some songs to put in the album and release them. It was not a professionally challenging album. The second one was fantastic, cause we worked really hard on it. We wrote and sang good songs. Between the second and the third albums there are some similarities, I mean in the sound and rhythm.  I think the third, the last album is a little more up-tempo, and more fun than the first and second one.

MTV: If you knew your destiny and you could change or add something, What would it be?

Tarkan:  Well that's a tough question. What would it be? My destiny. I wouldn't change anything. I wouldn't change anything cause I'm really happy with the way things are going in my life. And I guess I've learned how to accept things the way they are. So I never think about those things - changing my destiny and all that. I'm really happy with my life, my destiny.

MTV: What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Tarkan: My plans for 2000 are: I'm working on my new album, on my Turkish new album, so I'll be doing some studio work , recording sessions, singing and stuff.  So after the new album is done I'll be releasing the first single in Europe and then probably  all over the world. And I'll be touring, in Turkey and all over the world again. And I guess, I don't know I'll be doing some videos, shooting some videos, interviews, promotion and stuff. So it will be a year for music, work and love.

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MTV: What do you think about singers like Madonna, Shakira, Sting or Kula Shaker among others, that have used oriental rhythms getting a lot of success?

Tarkan: First of all it's obvious that the world needs some new elements, musical influences. And I believe that our countries, Middle East countries, Turkey... we have a lot of new elements which the world is not aware of. I mean, musical elements, instruments and melodies, the way of singing and I guess big stars are discovering that. That  there are a lot of new stuff to use. Especially Sting with Desert Rose, that song is driving me crazy, it's a beautiful song, a great mixture. So I really admire that, 'cause we have to use what we got and all the beautiful instruments and influences. We have to benefit from all that I think.

His goal of showing and making his music known in Europe and Asian countries is already done. Now he has his eyes over America, from Canada to Argentina.
Burasý yolun sonu... Atlamasý.

Credit for this interview and RealVideo files goes the Mexican MTV site - the RealVideo parts are linked to their site - you can read the answers in Spanish over there.

 A special thanks to Gabriel Tona (Mexico) 
for the translation of the Spanish questions. 


© Marleen 1999-2004