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Update Archives

February 23, 2000
In the Latest news page a few items were added.  All the missing Turkish lyrics of Yine Sensiz and the missing Translations in English were added, I'm still working on the Dutch versions.  Some minor changes were made throughout the site.
February 16, 2000
In the French magazine Télé Club Plus an article was published about Tarkan.  I added it to the Istanbul concert page, or you can go directly to the Télé Club Plus page.  On the Home page I also added a picture of Tarkan taken at February 14th when he left the army.  And I also added a link to a video clip on the official Turkish site, with a remix version of  Şeytan Azapta.
February 15, 2000
I made some minor changes about the ending of Tarkan's military service at the Latest news, Facts&Figures and Biography pages. 

February 11, 2000
I put a picture link in the home page to a full Istanbul concert report, with links to many live pictures (more than 80 pictures were added, including last weeks), and a magazine review.  New things are added, including a Turkish press article overview.  And also in the Tarkan&Fans section, Yvonne's pictures, a Concert review by myself have been included. 
February 4, 2000
I included an article of Bravo magazine and a Turkish newspaper article about the concert.  And hey! there's even a picture of me in the newspaper article!  And some more newspaper pictures at the Recent years page, set 14 and 15
And don't forget to have a look at the Tarkan Live! picture page.  If you haven't seen them yet, my Istanbul concert pictures are in set 6, 7 and 8.
February 3, 2000
I'm so glad to be finally back on the Net again!  You can expect a few updates the next couple of weeks.  And for those who can't wait, you can have a preview of the pictures of the wonderful Istanbul concert!  I still have a lot of work to do, but you already can have a look at some of them, just go to the Tarkan Live! picture page.  You can expect more pictures in the near future, a report and press articles, and much more!  Enjoy!
January 10, 2000
First of all I want to wish all of you the very best for the new Millennium.  Due to a long holiday and a computer crash, I haven't been able to update my site the last few months. I hope all the problems will be solved soon. 
November 6, 1999
Some things were added in the Fun stuff section: a lot of Interviews (TV, radio, magazines and telephone call (!)), links to buy Tarkan-stuff online, and an item about his typical Tarkan-style.  And I added about 70 (!) pictures, mainly in the TV-snaphots page, but also in the Recent years page (set 11-13).  Also added some Favorites.  Have fun! 
October 29, 1999
I've added some news in the Latest news section, and I've rearranged some parts of the website.  I've changed the homepage a bit, and the Music section is easier accessible now.  I'm going to add some new pictures and interviews next week, so watch out for those...
October 28, 1999
Due to a persistent server error I temporarily moved my site.  
October 20, 1999
I removed some pictures from the site and added a few interviews at the "Fun Stuff" page. Due to a server error there is currently no text appearing in the navigation buttons. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience it causes and I hope this problem can be solved as soon as possible.
October 5, 1999
A few new things were put in the "Latest News" section.
And I made some corrections to the names of Tarkan's family, unfortunately I got a few wrong.
October 4, 1999
There were some problems with downloading the RealAudio files, but  everything should be solved now.  Enjoy the music!
September 23, 1999
I've added some news about Tarkan on TV in my "Latest News" page. 
And I included RealAudio files of all the Tarkan songs in the "Music" page of the "Fun Stuff" section.  I'm still working on it, so there might be some problems with some of the files.    
September 19, 1999
Yesterday, I got my copy of the 2000 Calendar (thanks again, Yvonne), I put the pictures in my site, they are absolutely marvelous!
September 17, 1999
I've added some news about Tarkan's promotion in Europe and some other stuff in the "Latest News" section.
September 13, 1999
I put in my "Latest News" item the news about Tarkan's donation for Turkey.
September 10, 1999
Heh, heh, I finally got it done.  After weeks of hard work, my new website can go on-line.  I am quite pleased with the result, in fact I'm kinda proud of it.  So, I hope you like it just as much as I do.  Have fun!


© Marleen 1999-2004