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hoesYineSenzis.jpg (57151 bytes) Kıl Oldum I've become her slave 
Kimdi?  Who was it? 
Söz Verdim I promised you
Gelipte Halimi Gördün mü? Did you bother to see how I was feeling?
Sarıl Bana  Embrace me 
Oldu Canım, Ara Beni Okay darling, look me up
(Asla) Vazgeçemem I will never give up
Çok Ararsın Beni You'll search a lot for me
Selam Ver  Say hello
Yetti Artık Enough is enough
Yine Sensiz Without you again

Kıl Oldum

Takmış takıştırmış
Sürmüş sürüştürülmüş
Bir dağınıklık, bir rüküşlük
Kıl oldum abi

Giyinmiş rengarenk
Perperişan hali
Üstelik çorabı da kaçmış
Kıl oldum abi

Kaçacak yer ararım
Görsem karanlıkta
Başına güneş mi geçti
Ne oldu sana?

Kendine gel kendine
Dönde bir bak haline
Aynalara küsmüsün
Kıl oldum abi

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Tarkan

I've become her slave

She's preened and groomed
She's painted and made up
Such craziness, such madness
Brother, I've become her slave

She's dressed up in all colors
Her manner scatters the senses
And the best part of her is on view
Brother, I've become her slave

I'd look for a place to escape
If I met her in the darkness
But has the sun gone to your head?
What has happened to you?

Come to your senses
Turn and take a look at yourself
My reflection offends me
Brother, I've become her slave

Translation: Ali Yıldırım



Hadi canım sende, olmazki böyle
Küsen, kızan kıran kimdi söyle
Yine beni terkedip giden kimdi?
Kimdi, kimdi?
Kimdi söyle

Yalan dolan dolu sözlerinle
Deli deli bakan gözlerinle
Beni beni dertlere salan kimdi?
Kimdi, kimdi?
Kimdi söyle

Yaktın beni sen kor ateşinle
Üzdün beni bitmez hasretinle
Seviyorum, bırakmam diyen
Kimdi, kimdi
Kimdi söyle

Kahır keder dert hepsi sende
Kalmadı sabır tükendi sende
Dayanamam, çekemen of bitti
Bitti, bitti,
Bitti, böyle

Nazın, cazın hiç bitmedi gitti
Sazın, sözün de zamani geçti
Güle güle sanada, artık bitti
Bitti, bitti,
Bitti, böyle

Lyrics: Tarkan 
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu


Who was it?

Come on my love, this won't do,
Snubbed, angered, hurt, explain who was it,
Who was it who deserted me again?
Who was it, who was it?
Who was it, explain

With your words seeped in falsity
With your mad, mad staring eyes,
Who was it that threw me to misery?
Who was it, who was it?
Who was it, explain

You scorched me with your fiery embers,
You devastated me with your unending reverie,
Who said I love you, I won't leave you,
Who was it, who was it?
Who was it, explain

Grief, woe, misery, you have them all
No patience left, it's finished in me,
I can't endure, I can't take it ah! it's finished
It's finished, it's finished,
Finished, like that

Your continuous whims never ended,
And the time has passed for words,
Farewell to you too, it's finished now,
It's finished, it's finished,
It's finished, like that

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Söz Verdim

Kapım her çaldığında, sensin sanırım,
İçimde hep bir umut sana koşarım
Bitmedi hasretim ona yanar
Günü güne ekledim geçti y

Hep sevece
Söz verdim sana can

Hiç bitmeyecek gibi geliyor,
Günler sensiz ne zor geçiyor
Ümidim yar
ını bekliyor
ım seni sarmak istiyor
Gözlerim seni arzuluyor
Ümidim yar
ıni bekliyor

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Tarkan,  Ozan Çolakoğlu


I promised you

With every knock on my door, I think it's you
I hold one hope inside me, that I run to you
My longing hasn't ended, that's what burns me so
With the counting of each passing day
The year's have come and gone

I will miss you
I will always love you
I promised you 
I would wait for you

It will never end, that's how it seems
It's so difficult to wait without you
My hopes wait for tomorrow
My arms want to embrace you
My eyes desire you
My hopes wait for tomorrow

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Gelipte Halimi Gördün mü?

Veda edip gittin gideli, nedense
Nebir mektup ne selam gelmedi
Durup dururken
şimdi niye, sebep ne?
Arayip soruyormu
şsun, herkesten beni

Yok olamaz art
ık, yok olmaz artık
Sen de
ğerimi bilmedin
Farketmez art
ık, farketmez artık
ı değerin senin

Gelipte halimi gördün mü
Görüpte hat
ırımı sordun mu?
Öyle uzaktan olmaz ki
Elinle ate
şimi hiç ölçtün mü?

O sayfa çoktan kapand
ı, açamam
Geriye dönmem ben asla, yalvarma
ım herşey yalanmış, aldanmam
İnanmam art
ık ben aşka, ben aşka

Yok olmaz art
ık, yok olmaz artık
Sen de
ğerimi bilmedin
Farketmez art
ık, farketmez artık
ı değerin senin

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Tarkan, Ozan Çolakoğlu

Did you bother to see how I was feeling?

Since your departure and goodbye, for some reason
Not one letter, not one word came by
Now all of a sudden, what's the reason, why
Are you supposedly asking everyone about me?

No, it won't do anymore, no it won't do anymore
You didn't realize my worth
No, it doesn't matter anymore, no it doesn't matter anymore
You have no worth left

Did you bother to see how I was feeling?
Did you see me and ask how I was?
It can't be done from such a distance?
Did you ever measure my fever with your hands?

That chapter closed long ago, I can't re-open it
I'll never return to the past, so don't plead for it
I realized that everything was a lie, I won't be tricked
I don't believe in love anymore (in love I don't)

No, it won't do anymore, no it won't do anymore
You didn't realize my worth
No, it doesn't matter anymore, no it doesn't matter anymore
You have no worth left

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Saril Bana

Yoksun yanımda en zor anımda
Olmuyor sabah o
Geceler dolmu
ş sanki hüzünle
Çok özledim, seni gece bahane

ıl bana, sarıl bana
ızlım sabah ayazlarında
ğin ilk akşamında
ılarımla, gözyaşlarımla 
ırdım sarıl bana

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu

Embrace me

You're not beside me, at my most difficult time,
In such twilight morning does not break,
It's as if the nights are pervaded with grief,
I've yearned a lot for you, the night a pretext,

Embrace me, embrace me
My loneliness is in the morning's clear air,
In the first night of your absence,
With my pain, with my tears I cried
Embrace me

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Oldu canım, ara beni

Gardiyan mı sevgili mi?
Hiç bitmedi,
şu göz hapsi
ıktırdı sorgu suali
ık canıma tak etti

ık kahrı varmış
Çeksem sanki ne varm
Oldu can
ım ara beni!

Seninki sevgimi sanki eziyet
Olay bu bundan ibaret vaziyet
şkası olsa çoktan bırakır giderdi
Olmuyor, olam
ıyor hoşçakal derdi
Pes eder senden vazgeçerdi

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu


Okay darling, look me up

Is she a guardian, or a lover?
This eye imprisonment never ended
She's exhausted all the interrogations
I've finally had enough of it

So, she comes with trouble
So, what's wrong if I put up with it?
Okay darling, look me up!

Is yours love, it seems like tribulation
Is it possible for your manner to get any worse
If it had been anyone else, they would have left long ago
It's not working, it can't work, goodbye they'd have said
Your words would have deserted you

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Vazgeçemem (Asla)

Ah! gözlerin
Ah! gözlerin beni benden alan...
Sislerin ard
ından, buğulu bakan

Ah! sözlerin
Ah! sözlerin beni benden çalan...
Bir nehir misali, kalbime akan

Asla, asla vazgeçemen senden asla
Olamam ben sensiz,
Yapamam sevgisiz
Asla, asla vazgeçemen senden asla
Olamam ben sensiz
Kalaman kimsesiz

Ah! saçlar
Ah! saçlar
ın alev alev yakan
Rüzgarla savrulup bin
ışık saçan

Lyrics: Tarkan
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu

I will never give you up (Never)

Oh, your eyes
Oh, your eyes which bereft me of myself
Will be found behind the mist

Oh, your words
Oh, your words which bereft me of myself
Just like a river driven into my heart

Never, no I will never give you up
I can't live without you
Can't live without love
Never, no I will never give you up
I can't live without you
I can't live without anyone

Oh, your hair
Oh, your hair that let me go up in flames
The wind blew a thousand sparkles away

Translation from Dutch: Marleen


Çok Ararsın Beni

Kimse çekmez seni, çektiğim gibi
Kimse sevmez seni, sevdiğim gibi
Bile bile köle ettim kendimi,
Sende hint kumaşı sandın kendini

Çok ararsın beni, çok
Çok beklersin beni, çok
Çok ararsın beni, çok çok
Çok özlersin beni, çok

(Çok, çok, çok)

Hergün başka biri, yeni sevgili
Sözleri hep yalan, yalan gözleri
Ne sevdiği belli, ne sevmediği
Bende şimdi buldum, başka birini

Sevgi dedin sevdalandik,
Sevda bizde kilo ile
Bağlan dedin, bağlanıverdik
Metre metre urgan ile
Şimdi ahlar, vahvahlar
Bu eyvahlar boşuna
Tak sepeti koluna
Herkes kendi yoluna

Hergün başka biri, yeni sevgili
Sözleri hep yalan, yalan gözleri
Ne sevdiği belli, ne sevmediği
Bende şimdi buldum, başka birini

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu


You'll search a lot for me

No one puts up with you like I do
No one loves you like I do
Knowingly, I made myself your slave
You think yourself of Indian material

You'll search a lot for me (a lot)
You'll wait a long time for me (a lot)
You'll search a lot for me (a lot)
You'll miss me a lot (a lot)

(A lot, a lot, a lot))

Everyday someone else, a new love
Her word's all lies, her lying eyes
Uncertain whether she loves me or not
But now I've found someone else

We said love, so we loved
I have love by the kilo
You said become tied
So we did, by the meter
Now all the oh's and the woes
Are for naught
Grab your bag
Everyone goes their own way

Everyday someone else, a new love
Her word's all lies, her lying eyes
Uncertain whether she loves me or not
But now I've found someone else

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Selam Ver

Gözlerin geçmisi sorguluyor
ılar sanki hesap soruyor
Seni b
ırakıp gitmem hataymış
Deli gönlüm bunu
şimdi anlıyor

ım hala unutmamışsın
Suçluyum, ne desen hakl
Hasretini çektim nefes gibi
ğumda pişmanlığımı duyarsın

Bana yine gül diyemem
Beni yine sar diyemem
Sevgimin hat
ırına birtanem
Hiç olmazsa selam ver

Lyrics: Alpay Aydın
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu

Say hello

Your eyes question the past,
It's as if the memories are reprimanding me,
It was a mistake to go and leave you,
Only now does my foolish heart understand,

I understand that you still haven't forgotten
I'm guilty, whatever you say is right,
I drew in your absence like a breath,
In my breathing you'll hear my regret

I can't ask you to smile at me again
I can't ask you to enfold me again
For the sake of my love, my only one
At least say hello

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Yetti Artık

Sevmiştik belki birzaman
Söyle ne geriye kalan?
Sevgimin yerini nefret ald
Unuttum, sildim ben çoktan

Sana y
ıllarımı verdim
Yoluna sevgimi serdim
İnanabilseydim sözlerine
Belki yeniden severdim

Haydi y
ırt resimleri
Haydi yak mektublar
Geriye senden hiçbir hat
ıra kalmamalı

Yetti art
ık, yetti
Bitti her
şey, bitti
Katlanamam yalanlar
ın beni tüketti

Hep aldat
ılan ben oldum
Hep incitilen ben oldum
şman olmak için zaman geç artık
Son gülen yine ben oldum

Haydi yırt resimleri
Haydi at mektublar
Geriye senden hiçbir hat
ıra kalmamalı

Yetti art
ık, yetti
Bitti her
şey ,bitti
Katlanamam yalanlar
ın beni tüketti

Lyrics: Tarkan, Alpay Aydın
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu

Enough is enough

Maybe we were once in love
But tell me what's left of it?
A thousands hates have replaces my love
I've forgotten it for anger, ages ago

I gave you my years
I spread my love across your path
If I could have believed your words
Maybe I could love you again

Come on, tear up the pictures
Come on, burn the letters
No memory of you must remain

Enough is enough
It's all over
I can't cope, your lies have finished me

I was the one whom was tricked
I was the one whom was hurt
It's too late for regrets
I'm the one who's had the last laugh

Come on, tear up the pictures
Come on, burn the letters
No memory of you must remain

Enough is enough
It's all over
I can't cope, your lies have finished me

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


Yine Sensiz

Yine sensiz güneş batıyor
Yine sensiz akşam oluyor
Beni bekliyor kederler
Yine gecem hüzün kokuyor

Heryerde, herşeyde izin var seni anlatı
Hatırlatır bütün şarkılar
Ah! Bu yalnızlık neden? söyle
Sensiz nasıl geçecek yıllar?

Nerdesin, kiminlesin?
Ah! sevgilim, dön, seni çok özledim

Dönmeyeceksin sen anladım
Ben sensiz, ben sevgisiz nasıl yaşarım ?
Gözlerim ıslak bekliyorum
Bir umut ver yalvarırım

Nerdesin, kiminlesin ?
Ah! sevgilim, dön, seni çok özledim

Lyrics: Tarkan
Music: Ozan Çolakoğlu


Without you again

The sun is setting without you again
Night is falling without you again
My sorrows await me
My night is perfumed with longing again

Everywhere, on everything there is your mark
All the songs are remembering and expounding you
Oh! Why this loneliness?
Without you the years will not pass easily

Where are you? Whom are you with?
Oh! Return my love, for I miss you so much

I've realized that you will not return
Without you, without love how will I live?
I wait with wet eyes
Give me some hope, I beg you

Where are you? Whom are you with?
Oh! Return my love, I miss you so much

Translation: Ali Yıldırım


© Marleen 1999-2004