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This is me (Marleen).  I went to the ISTANBUL concert on January 14th, 2000.  My husband Chris and my friends Yvonne and Judith were there with me.  You can read the concert review and look at some pictures.  

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Yvonne also took some very nice pictures at the ISTANBUL concert and wants to share them with us.


TARKAN... What's in a name?  Read how Ariel describes him...


Tarkan in MEXICO!  Read Gabriel's story and have a look at his pictures. - March 2000


Dani is living in PORTUGAL.  She went to Tarkan's concert there on July 16th, 1999 and wants us to have a look at her pictures.
I will soon include more reports, including those of Dani, Natacha and Emma... 
All of the things in the Tarkan & Fans page are exclusively for this page provided by the fans themselves and used with their permission.
If you also have pictures of you together with Tarkan, if you met Tarkan and want to share your experience, if you've been to a concert and want to tell us about it... in fact, everything about Tarkan you want to share with us... just e-mail it over to me and I will put it in here.


© Marleen 1999-2004