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Each month you will find another Tarkan picture in here.  You can put a caption to it... what do you think Tarkan is saying or thinking in this picture.  Mail it over to me, and the five best answers will be published each month.

September, 2000

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  • "This shampoo makes my hair silky smooth" by Cynthia, USA
  • "Oh, the way you move, it drives me crazy!" by Salma, India
  • "Mummy... I want my mummy..." by Kate, USA
  • "Gee, I shouldnŽt have had those gorditas...  IŽve been sitting here for an hour and nothing has come out yet!" by Arturo, Mexico
  • "Oh my god ! The photographer has used a light so bright that I can't look at her straight in the eyes. What a pity, she's so beautiful!" by Patricia, France
August, 2000

  • "Ohh man! cool sunglasses!! I can see all of you naked!" by Senkan, Germany
  • "I believe in extraterrestrials.  I never used to, but after this space ship captured me, I'm a firm believer." by Monique, USA
  • "Do you think they'll recognize me with these shades?" by Nayla,
  • "Why did you let me wear this?  Now my grandchildren will have something to mock me with..." by Laura, Mexico
  • "Don't you get it!??  I dressed up as a butterfly!!!" by Chris, Belgium
July, 2000

  • "See!?! I told you I'm a shining star!" by Maria, Sweden
  • "Red Bull gives you wings!!!" by Chris, Belgium
  • "WYYYYYYYYYY M C A!!!!" by Yasmine, USA
  • "I'm the King of the World!!!" by Claire, France
  • "Wow my fans love me, they really really love me!" by Julide, USA
June, 2000
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  • "Oh my, isn't this session over yet? this headache is killing me!" by Mick, The Netherlands
  • "God I'm so HOT, feels like I've got a fever!" by Linda, Norway
  • "Damn... they recognized me again!" by Senkan, Germany
  • "God, that girl is sooooooo fine!!!!!" by Zaira, USA
  • "Oh dear! I just realized that I forgot to put on my trousers!  Hope the photographer won't take me full-length!" by Sabrina, France
May, 2000

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  • "Come and play with me... I've been waiting for you..." by Jette, Denmark
  • "When in Mexico, please remind me not to mix beer and tequila never ever again!" by Laura, Mexico
  • "OK.  Just one more picture and let me finally go to sleep!" by Tanya, Russia
  • "Now if that girl with the short kilt would just come a little closer over here... just a little more..." by Georgia, USA
  • "Hey! I'm relaxing, I don't have to be sexy now, gimme a break for God's sake!" by Elda, Mexico
April, 2000

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  • "This new fabric softener does smell good but it really makes me itch" by Corinne, England
  • "And you thought that my only talents were singing and dancing, wait until you see this..." by Yolanda, Puerto Rico
  • "Did I forget to wash it or is it my deodorant?" by Laura, Mexico
  • "I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!" by Noreen, USA
  • "I wonder where the heck that beaver sneaked away" by Maria, Sweden
March, 2000

  • "Next time, I will learn my lyrics by heart, or write them bigger on my wrist" by Ariel, USA
  • "Oh my God, I have to complete my military service yet! I totally forgot it..." by Sofia, Mexico
  • "Darn I forgot the next dance move.... oh well what do they know, as long as I look good, that's all that matters to them" by Noreen, USA

May, 2001

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Due to circumstances, there havenŽt been captions for the past months, but IŽll be back with new ones from now on.
What do YOU think is going on in his mind?  Just mail...
put "Caption" in the subject of your mail, and mention your name and country... the five best captions will be published early August...
Just a quick note to remind you that none of these captions are in any way meant as an insult to Tarkan, after all we're all fans who love and respect him, it's just for fun, okay...


© Marleen 1999-2004