Help Turkey!

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On Tuesday, August 17 1999 at 3:02am local time, an earthquake measuring
7.4 on the Richter scale hit north-western Turkey. 
About 17,000 people were killed and many more injured and homeless.
To help the victims of the earthquake, you can follow the link to a website with reliable 
International Help Organizations.

After this enormous disaster our help may seem like a drop in the bucket, 
but if we can all contribute, our help does make a difference.

We can't do anything to give people their families back, but we can help people giving their homes back.  Winter is approaching very fast, thousands and thousands of people are homeless, so they desperately need all of our help to give them back their houses, schools, hospitals...

As you can see below Tarkan donated about 27,000,000,000 Turkish lyra (almost 70,000$) 
to help his people.

 Besides the various other charity projects Tarkan did, he also donated the profits of the Istanbul concert, January 14th, 2000, in favor of the earthquake victims.

This page does no longer contain links to make donations - thanks to everyone who contributed!


© Marleen 1999-2004