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This site has been on-line for about 5 years now... I've had about 210,000 visitors since - and that's great! - thank you so much to all of you!  I hope "Marleen's Tarkan Place" has evolved into an enjoyable place for you all to spend your precious time.  All of your support and great feedback encourages me to continuously update this site and make it even a cooler place to be for every Tarkan fan!
But... I didn't make this site all by myself, I owe a lot of people for their input, so I guess it's about time for a little THANK YOU!
The people I owe...

First on my list would - no doubt - be Ali Yıldırım!  For the innumerous translations in English he made for this site - translations of all of Tarkan's song lyrics, translations of various magazine and newspaper articles, for providing me with all kinds of information... I don't even know how to begin to thank him for all this.  His contribution to this website has become invaluable.  But besides that, I need to thank him even so much more for having become a great friend over the past years -  a friend I can always rely on, a dear friend who has the incredible ability of always saying the right words whenever things are not going my way... thank you so so much, Ali, you truly are one in a million!!!

Next on my list are Mick and Yvonne, for sharing things to use in my site, for being my friends and for having so much fun at our "fan club meetings" - and especially to Mick for running the fan club together and for giving the word "Mail Archives" a whole new meaning...
Alper Çayhan - for the Dutch translations of the song lyrics
Pilar, Ramon and Jeanett from Mexico - for all the Mexican stuff they provided and for moderating the Mexican mailing list for us - by the way, it was nice meeting you, Ramon!
Ali Mulla, Gabriel, Em, Dani, ArielNatacha, Sabrina, Alma, Bianca, Renske, Shyma, Jan, Evelyn, Ellie, Serena, Onuruye, Elsita, Mete, Reem - for providing me with either translations, pictures, video's, useful links etc... and for the nice chats we've been having.
A very special thank you also to
Süheyl, Carly and Eric.
And last, but certainly not least: my children David and Sarah, for having to put up with their mom who is "always working at the computer", and my husband Chris, for his never-ending patience...
Thank you so much to all of you!!!

(There are so many people I need to thank, really... If by any chance I forgot anyone... if you think your name should be in here too, just let me know and I'll rectify it)

The sites...

When I started my first site, about 4 years ago, there wasn't that much to find about Tarkan on the Net.  I didn't know anything about him.  And just as everyone who wants to make a site, I needed to start somewhere, so these are the sites where I got my very first Tarkan info:
bulletThe German site:
bulletThe Danish site:

Other sites which had their influence, or contributed to this site in some way :
The official Turkish site:, the Turkish sites, Turk's Jukebox
, and, the Mexican sites and
Non Tarkan related sites:,,,,,,,,

The media...
The Magazines  Bravo, Hit! (Germany); Télé Club Plus, Vedette Plus, Salut, Star Club, Fan de (France); Dag Allemaal (Belgium); Aktüel, She, Amann, Amıca, Müzik Yasam (Turkey)
The Newspapers Gazet van Antwerpen (Belgium); Radikal, Akşam, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Güneş, Takvim, Star, Asabi, Türkiye (Turkey)
The TV channels VTM (Belgium); VARA (The Netherlands); ARD, ZDF (Germany), France2 (France); TRTint (Turkey)
The Photographers Nihat Odabaşı, Sedat Mehder, Jens van Zoest, Tamer Yılmaz, Cem Göçmen, Ayten Alpüm, Arnaud Caravielhe, Bernhard Kühmstedt.
The Record Companies  Istanbul Plak (Turkey), Universal Music (Europe - Worldwide)


And last of all, but the main reason all the plans I had for this website came to fruit is   
   himself!  For being a great singer, a wonderful personality and for his incredible charisma which couldn't leave anyone unaffected.  Thank you, Tarkan!!!


© Marleen 1999-2004