T A R K A N    C L I P B O A R D 

events 2001

August July June May 17th


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Man accused of stealing nude Tarkan photographs

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The long awaited
CD "KARMA" is released!

in Turkey
August 2001!

Concert INFO
Read the Newsflash!
Support Tarkan!
Sign the Guestbook!

New single 
"Kuzu Kuzu" released!!!  

Tarkan signed up with Pepsi and shot a commercial in Australia.

Find out all about the new cd: lyrics and translations, audio files...

Read the song lyrics and translation
Listen to the song

events 2000






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New song with Turkish song-writer Aysel Gürel! - "Yasaksız Seviş"
Make love without limits
Read the Newsflash!
"Tarkan" album released in the US -
Booklet includes the
English Translations
made for this site 
Tarkan took Mexico by storm! read Gabriel's report, look at the pictures - watch the interview!  Military Service watch the pictures, read the interview

his one and only live concert in the year 2000



© Marleen 1999-2004