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Update February 22, 2000

  • Tarkan is currently working in the record studio in Istanbul on his new Turkish album, which is to be released early summer.

  • The release of the new album will probably be followed by a tour in the autumn.

  • In Germany, Tarkan is nominated in the category "International Newcomer Award" by MTV.  Other nominees are Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez.  You could vote for him, but the voting has already ended.  The show will be recorded on March 9th, and will be broadcasted at March 10th on the German channel ARD at 8.15pm (CET - Central European Time Zone).  


Update February 15, 2000


  • Tarkan's military service has ended yesterday.  He joined the Malatya Altay Private Chauffeur Education Regiment for 28 days, after paying a 8.000$ fee in order to reduce the 18 months service.  Tarkan expressed to be very happy having fulfilled his duties as a Turkish citizen. 


Update January 17, 2000


  • After a superb concert in Istanbul, during which he got an army haircut, Tarkan started his military service in Malatya. 


Update January 10, 2000


  • Tarkan will give a charity concert at January 14, in Mydonos Showland in Yeşilköy (about 25 km west from Istanbul). All the profits of the concerts will go to the victims of the earthquake.  Prices of the tickets range from 15.000.000 to 45.000.000 Turkish lira (30US$ - 90US$ respectively): these are numbered seats.  Standing places in front of the stage cost 20.000.000 Turkish lira (40US$). Tickets can be ordered at 00-90-212-345-0590.  

  • At January 15, Tarkan will begin his one month military service in Malatya (east-Turkey).

  • Unfortunately, there will be no more singles before the release of his new album in the summer.

  • The release of the new Turkish album will be followed by a tour.  There's no more info on dates nor countries. 


Update October 29, 1999

  • Tarkan will do his two months military service in a while.  It probably won't be in November, as previously announced, as he still hasn't made an official application yet.
  • Tarkan is currently working on his new Turkish album.  There will be no more concerts nor promotion until the release of this album, probably in the spring or summer of 2000. 
  • There might be a fourth European single from the "Tarkan"-album, namely "Ölürüm Sana".  All depends whether Tarkan decides to record a new video clip for the song.  If it's going to be released, it will probably be in December. 


Update October 5, 1999


  • Tarkan on TV:
    • At October 3, Tarkan performed his new single "Bu Gece" on Bravo TV (RTL2, Germany), and did an interview.
    • Next Saturday, October 9, there will be a football match Germany - Turkey to qualify for the European Championship of next year at the Olympia Stadium in Munich.  Before the kick-off of the match (18.30h), Tarkan will perform his new single and a surprise song.  The German channel ZDF will broadcast it live!  Don't miss it!
  • Tarkan will return to Turkey in a few months to do a two months military service.  A new law in Turkey allows Turkish men to reduce their military service, after paying a 16,000$ fee. 
  • Tarkan will have his 27th birthday at Sunday, October 17.
    Have a nice birthday, Tarkan!  And may all your dreams come true... 

Update September 23, 1999


  • Tarkan will appear in several TV-shows:
    • "Live in Berlin" on the German MTV
    • "Lovestories" with Andreas Türck on PRO 7 (Germany)
      Saturday, September 25 at 18.00h
    • "Hymne ŕ la voix - Spécial voix d'été"
      on France 2, Saturday, September 25 at 20.55h
  • The single "Bu Gece" will be released in Germany at the end of September.  It was previously already released in Belgium (May), The Netherlands (August) and several other European countries.                      


Update September 17, 1999


  • Tarkan is currently doing a promotional tour in Europe.  He has already been to Sweden and France, and right now he is in Germany (Berlin, Munich, Hamburg...).  There have been recorded some TV shows, so keep an eye on your TV-guide.
  • On November, 28, there will probably be a charity concert in Sofia, Bulgaria.  15% of his fee, and 50% of the ticket sales would go the victims of the earthquake in Turkey.
    The concert hasn't been officially confirmed yet.

  • It is comforting to know that Tarkan's family and the people he's working with have survived the disastrous earthquake in Turkey.
  • The rumors about an English single being released at the end of '99 with rapper Mousse T  called "You sexy thing", are not true.  There are no plans for an English single in the near future. 


Update end August, 1999


  • On August 17, a disastrous earthquake hit the north of Turkey.  Ten thousands of people have died, and many more are wounded and homeless.  To support the Turkish people, Tarkan made a donation of 27,000,000,000 Turkish lira, that's about 70,000 US$.


Update end July, 1999


  • Tarkan's summer tour to Australia, Portugal, Ukraine, Russia, Morocco and Tunisia has ended.
  • He will return to Europe for promotion in September.  Keep checking for updates.
  • In January 2000, there are a number of concerts planned in Europe.  No dates nor venues are confirmed yet.
  • In the spring/summer of 2000, a new Turkish album will be released.  All the songs have already been recorded.
  • The new Turkish album will be followed by an English one, probably in the summer of 2000.  This album will contain all new songs, no cover versions of the Turkish ones.





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